( ! ) Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused in /var/www/deathmetal.ru/htdocs/inc/db_fns.php on line 3
Call Stack
10.0001357408{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0004357752include( '/var/www/deathmetal.ru/htdocs/inc/db_fns.php ).../index.php:3
30.0004357752db_connect( ).../db_fns.php:100
40.0004357880mysql_connect( $server = 'localhost', $username = 'deathm', $password = 'CCd?PJLZr' ).../db_fns.php:89
50.0004357880mysqli_connect( $host = 'localhost', $user = 'deathm', $password = 'CCd?PJLZr' ).../db_fns.php:3

( ! ) Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, bool given in /var/www/deathmetal.ru/htdocs/inc/db_fns.php on line 9
Call Stack
10.0001357408{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0004357752include( '/var/www/deathmetal.ru/htdocs/inc/db_fns.php ).../index.php:3
30.0016358224mysql_query( $sql = 'SET NAMES cp1251', $link = ??? ).../db_fns.php:102
40.0016358224mysqli_query( $link = FALSE, $query = 'SET NAMES cp1251' ).../db_fns.php:9

( ! ) Warning: mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, bool given in /var/www/deathmetal.ru/htdocs/inc/db_fns.php on line 50
Call Stack
10.0001357408{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0004357752include( '/var/www/deathmetal.ru/htdocs/inc/db_fns.php ).../index.php:3
30.0018358336mysql_error( $link = ??? ).../db_fns.php:102
40.0018358336mysqli_error( $link = FALSE ).../db_fns.php:50